เบญจภัทร์ จาตุรนต์รัศมี

เลือกซื้อน้ำมันพืชอย่างไรดี / เบญจภัทร์ จาตุรนต์รัศมี

To buy vegetable oil can see details in label on the container such as identify of plants or animal that use to extract oil or fat, manufacturing process, net weight, Date of production or expiration, registration number of food recipe, nutritional fact including should take note about containers not buy bucket or opaque plastic oil because it cannot be seen oil inside. Consumer also knows about ingredients that use to extract oil because amount, quality and the composition of oil are different. Quality of oil can compare by amount of fatty acid which should use oil that has unsaturated fatty acids such as Linoleic acid and Arachidonic acid. So to use oil in safe way is necessary too such as not use oil more than 2 times, must fried with oil soak on all, avoid buy oil that contain in plastic bag because not know what type is it and number of fried times.


เทคโนโลยี 19, 1 (ม.ค.-มี.ค. 2541) 16-19 0125-7412