กุ้งแห้งแดงนี้อาจมีปัญหา /

พชร แกล้วกล้า

กุ้งแห้งแดงนี้อาจมีปัญหา / พชร แกล้วกล้า

YJ2011 M12

Developing monitoring food safety for consumers project have collect dried shrimp in 8 province from 4 region such as central, north east, north and south region to detection of contaminants in food such as toxin from aflatoxin, food coloring and agricultural chemicals in pyrenoids group. Test results found that not have toxin from aflatoxin in all samples but found synthetic dyes 25 % and found agricultural chemicals in pyrenoids group contaminate about 50 %. So this article has show information about contaminate in dried shrimp include food coloring, agricultural chemicals in pyrenoids group and aflatoxin including salt dried shrimp.


ฉลาดซื้อ 17, 112-113 (พิเศษ) (มิ.ย.-ก.ค. 2553) 21-25 0858-9461