TY - SER AU - ณัฐสุดา นวลศรี TI - Probiotics เมื่อจุลินทรีย์ก็มีประโยชน์ KW - สารเสริมชีวนะ KW - แง่โภชนาการ KW - แง่อนามัย N1 - YJ2013 M01 N2 - From study found that consume probiotics or alive bacteria that benefit to body a lot such as rebalance stomach and intestine to function well, stimulate immune system to better state. Amount of probiotic to consume per day must approve and guaranteed by medical experiments this will result in benefit as needed. Currently has applied probiotic to use in fruit juice, energy drink, powder type drinks, cheese product, breakfast cereals, snacks etc. However type, amount of use and stability of probiotic in food product depending on method and procedure in the production of cargo, and must under guidance of probiotic manufacturer ISSN - 1905-3487 Sources - FOOD FOCUS THAILAND Sources - 6, 63 (Jun. 2011) 44-45 ER -